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The Pro-RFID Lobby

"You with all your fantastic ideas, you're just paranoid!" is what people often say to us. But we aren't just having fantastic ideas, we found these things in the papers from the RFID industry. Here we present a collection of documents from the RFID lobby, that is, from the producers, the retail chains and international RFID-promoting associations. Read for yourself what plans are being discussed openly and publicly in these circles.

Zum deutschen Text gehts hier lang.

From a promotional leaflet from German firm ADT (translated from the German original) for RFID solutions in retailing:

"Imagine your wares are intelligent. Something gets stolen - and gives off a signal that cannot be ignored. Canny, ain't it? Through the intelligent source protection from ADT every item, be it ever so small, can be thus outfitted, already at point of production. This is cost-efficient for you - and unvisible for the customer. And also cannot be disarmed by a special bag or a thick overcoat."

Texas Instrument shows how it goes:
This is how reading the RFID chip in the "loyalty" card in the handbag of a shopper works -- without any help from the customer. We quote: "A consumer with a TI-RFid tag in their purse, pocket, or wallet can be detected by reader systems at doorways. Readout antennas can also be in counters, walls, and in floors." (formerly on the TI website, now on

"RFID Optimisation of the Value Chain" - Management Information, May 2003:
Please not page 19 (translated from the German original): "Procter & Gamble sees in the Extra Future Store an excellent opportunity for trials of new technologies which in the future will help to better fulfill customers' wishes for information, individual offers and more shopping fun. At the same time the Extra Future Store allows us to find out, together with the METRO Group, how shopping behaviour can be positively influenced by targetted advertising and useful information at point of sale. Udo Scharr, IT Manager Global CBD Procter & Gamble"
Also on

EAN Austria Information, 2nd issue, July 2003:
Here the discription of the Future Store the RFID chips in METRO's customers' cards are already mentioned. We translate from the original German: "The Extra Future Card - the personalised customer card: The new customer card, equipped with magnetic strip, bar code and RFID chip, serves the identification of the customers. The customer is welcomed individually by the devices, has access to various services will in the future be able to use the card as a credit card at checkout."

An article about customer specific marketing:
Customer Specific Marketing e.g. includes price discrimination: Make aggressive (low cost) offers to profitable customers. Raise prices for not so profitable customers. And: Special offers are exclusively for card holders that give up their personal data.

Lecture slides:
from Dr. Gerd Wolfram, project executive of the Future Store, made for a talk given at the fourth ECR meeting in September 2003 in Vienna. Quote from page 5 (translated from the original German): "Technology... - facilitates customer related data bases and CRM." (CRM = Customer Relationship Management)

AutoID-Center: (dissolved on 26 October 03)

International promotion group:

German magazine:

Metro Group Future Store:
Metro's website about the Future-Store

The standardisation body:

FAQ about the progress of standardisation:

About the EAN.UCC System:

Global Data Dictionary (GDD):

Global Standards Management Process (GSMP):

UCC Check Digit Calculator (something to play with):

2006-12-29 16:46